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Forward You: L’investissement rencontre la technologie de pointe.

Nous ne sommes pas un assureur vie comme les autres. Nous plaçons nos clients au cœur de notre mission. Depuis 1983, nous révolutionnons vote épargne grâce à des idées high tech innovantes pour faire avancer vos finances.

En tant qu'entreprise indépendante, nos 457 collaborateurs sont présents dans 14 villes à travers le monde.

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En savoir plus sur Forward You

1 000 000 clients

dans le monde entier

2 milliards d'euros

d'actifs sous gestion

Prix Capital Finance International

du meilleur portefeuille de produits en Unités de Compte

FWU en 77 secondes
Etablir son avenir en 4 étapes simples
Nous aimons que les choses restent simples : Contactez-nous et deux rendez-vous plus tard, votre avenir financier sera planifié.
Le bon conseiller

Nous nous chargeons de trouver le bon conseiller au sein de notre réseau, qui créera un plan d’investissement personnalisé juste pour vous.

Premier rendez-vous

Avec l’aide de votre conseiller, évaluez votre situation financière pour déterminer où vous en êtes aujourd'hui et où vous souhaitez aller.

Deuxième rendez-vous

Obtenez une solution adaptée à vos besoins, examinez le contrat en détail et signez-le avec votre conseiller.

Se sentir bien

Suivez votre investissement et abordez l’avenir avec confiance.

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Forward Quant : la technologie de pointe au service de vos investissements

Forward Quant est une solution d’assurance-vie à long terme reposant sur un algorithme conçu pour produire des résultats en fonction de vos préférences personnelles en matière de risque et objectifs financiers. Cette solution propose un ensemble de fonctionnalités des plus innovantes:

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Découvrez Forward Quant

Des modèles de risques personnalisés et des garanties flexibles.

Choisissez et adaptez le niveau de risque que vous souhaitez prendre.

Un départ offensif et une arrivée sécurisée.

Réduit votre niveau de risque au fil du temps pour que vous ne terminiez pas les mains vides.

Un portefeuille mondial qui vous offre une diversification maximale.

Nous ne mettons jamais « tous vos œufs dans le même panier».

Analyse Fondée sur les données de l'objectivité à l'état pur.

Les puissances de calculs dépassant l’intuition, nos algorithmes sélectionnent vos investissements.

0 million +

clients font confiance aux sociétés FWU à travers le monde

C'était important pour moi de travailler avec des experts pour épargner et investir mon argent. Avec les produits d’assurance-vie FWU, j’ai eu le sentiment que mon argent était en sécurité dès le départ. C’est pourquoi je ne peux que recommander chaudement l’expertise et les produits FWU.

Annabel, 27 ans
Home Annabel Quote

J’ai été convaincu par le process d’adhésion en ligne, très bien structuré et la flexibilité des niveaux de de garantie des investissements. Je me sens en confiance avec FWU et son approche moderne de l’assurance-vie.

Frank, 29 ans
Home Frank - Quote

Nos clients donnent une note de 4,4/5 à nos services. (290 avis, 12/05/2021)

Source : Google, Facebook, Pages jaunes
FWU Rating Star
Planifier 30 ans à l’avance, c’est compliqué. Et ça, nous le comprenons

Nous avons donc simplifié pour vous les points essentiels.

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19 83

The journey begins

In the US, the first mobile phones are launched. In Switzerland, the first Swatch watches are manufactured. Meanwhile in Germany, Dr Manfred Dirrheimer makes a life-changing decision: to leave his post as a university professor and start the company that would become FWU. In our early years we operate as a scientific think tank for competitive and political studies, and as a consultant for merger and acquisition projects.

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FWU evolves into a consultancy startup for major transatlantic corporations in the consumer goods industry, applying technology- and client-centric strategies to help them grow. This approach has remained at FWU’s core.

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Inspiration strikes

Together with the German Monopoly Commission, FWU conducts an analysis of the German insurance market.

Its insights inspire us to dig deeper into the field, a commitment that remains to this day, making us proven experts.

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Our expertise is in demand

FWU becomes an advisor to some of the biggest insurers and reinsurers around the globe, advising on IT systems, product innovations such as factoring or unit-linked. Not only in life insurance, but across all insurance types.

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A pioneering company

After years of consultancy, we change our business model entirely and found our own life insurance company.

This specialization leads naturally to FWU reaching goals with our innovative approach
FWU Factoring is founded – a service that is still active and successful, with over €1 billion transactions to date.

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Our European expansion begins

In common with many startups, FWU breaks from its former company to become independent.

We build our own fund-based products for major European life insurance companies, launch our first unit-linked life insurance product in Luxembourg and Germany (1994).

FWU Life Austria was the first insurance company ever to sell a unit-linked product in Austria (1994) and France (1997).

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Ongoing success is assured

FWU acquires FWU Life Lux and establishes FWU Invest, which we would build from nothing to Assets under management of over €2 billion today.

We also establish e-avis, the first internet-based application system and the basis for what would later become FILOS.

20 03

Technology and Takaful

Concorde takes its last flight, but two landmarks help FWU hit new heights.

Firstly, we switch from expert-based investment decisions to quant technology, the methodology we use to the present day. It’s a choice that many will follow, but 15 years later we can show real numbers of success – you can check our reporting center for evidence.

Secondly, we launch our first Takaful product, fully compliant with Sharia law – another ground-breaking and much-imitated move.

20 05

Our global growth accelerates

Our global footprint expands rapidly, with market entries into UAE, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait in 2005.

This is also the year we launch the first version of FILOS, laying the foundation not only for our partnerships with distributors but also for our track record of constant, tried-and-tested technical innovation.

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Ciao Italia

When we expand into Italy, our combination of guarantee concepts in fund-based products proves to be unique in the market.

As a result, Italy becomes our fastest-growing market with the largest client base

20 07

Selamat hari Malaysia

While we expand into Malaysia, the bancassurance model grows in importance to our European business, as banks, institutional banks and pension funds put their trust in FWU products and services.

20 09

Salam Alaikum Pakistan

Market entry into Pakistan.

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Hola España

Building on our strong network of partners, we take the success story of fund-based guarantee products into the Spanish market, which has gone on to become our second-fastest -growing market today.

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Ambitious yet sustainable growth

Having acquired both portfolios and entities, FWU grows rapidly in employees, clients and assets.

This helps us create additional value for our clients and attract the best and brightest minds in the industry.

FWU grows with the purchase of former Skandia Austria by 65,000 clients.

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We become Forward You

To mark our common mindset, FWU rebrands as Forward You.

It’s more than a name change: it’s a commitment to continually strengthening our relationships with our clients and business partners – knowing that every U is different

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Innovation put into practice

We introduce the latest version of our all-in-one platform FILOS, own UCIT-umbrella fund as well as our innovative Forward Quant product.

Both are immediately appreciated by our clients and distribution partners, and go on to be recognized with prestigious industry awards.

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We are the experienced pioneer

Moving towards the present day, 2019 sees FWU pass a series of landmarks that confirm our status as an innovator and global player.

We launch our all-new customer portal, which offers our clients even more insights, options and better service.

20 20

Facing the Covid crisis with technology

With the Remote Sales Solution (RSS), FWU succeeds in developing a digital solution for location-independent sales in just a few weeks, giving insurance agents and customers digital access to FWU products via their own mobile devices.

From the first conversation to the online signature: the necessary steps for signing an insurance contract can be completed securely and conveniently from home.

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One more digital building-block

Introduction of the advanced electronic signature (ADES), a signature that meets the strict legal requirements for digital identification and electronic transaction services and ensures that our customers' biometric data is notarized and protected. (IDD compliance based on the European Insurance Distribution Directive 2016/97/EU). With the new product Forward Unico, FWU now also offers one-time investment products.

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Further sustainability of the products

With the Remote Sales Solution (RSS), FWU succeeds in developing a digital solution for location-independent sales in just a few weeks, giving insurance agents and customers digital access to FWU products via their own mobile devices. From the first conversation to the online signature: the necessary steps for signing an insurance contract can be completed securely and conveniently from home.

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